
Please help us reach the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. From orphanage support, supplying bibles to new believers, evangelistic crusades, leadership training and much more, you can be a part. Make your one time donation or become a Revival Fire Partner today.

One-Time Donation

Please consider making a one-time donation today. These funds go directly to our ministry and help us spread the Gospel in over 27 countries. To date, we have seen over 1.2 MILLION people worldwide accept salvation and wish to see many more give their hearts and lives to Christ.

Become A Partner

Please consider a monthly pledge and donation to our ministry. When you join us as a partner in ministry, your giving goes a long way and it is only through your generous donations that we are able to travel and evangelize as we have been blessed to do. In addition to helping our ministry grow and visit new mission fields, you will gain access to our Fire Place where you can hear and read monthly messages just for partners.

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Need Prayer?

If you need prayer for something specific in your life pleaselet us know.

Messages & Sermons

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The Fire Place

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